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Saint Stephen I just wrote you a paean: Signifier and signified in Hey Stephen
Swift, a philosopher of language, explores the relationship between a name and what it signifies by fully exploring the meaning of 'Stephen'

Swift's Theology of Noise Music in Our Song
In Our Song, noted music theorist Taylor Swift grapples with the question “What is Music?”

Should've Said Know: Swift's Socratic Masterpiece
Swift, a Platonic philosopher, transforms a story of infidelity into a brilliant illustration of the Socratic idea that Virtue = Knowledge.
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Shall I Compare Thee to a Superstar: Astrothesia in Taylor Swift
In the tradition of great sonneteers, Swift poetically indulges in her yearning for an unattainable love interest she has put on a pedestal.
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Happy Ending or Tragedy Impending? Metafictional Reflection in Love Story
While appearing to celebrate a Love Story, postmodernist poet Taylor Swift uses metafiction to subtly critique the genre.
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Taylor's Shift to Geospatial Analysis: A Place in this World
The Basics: The verses of A Place in this World depict a narrator who is seeking despite not knowing precisely what she hopes to find....
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