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Saint Stephen I just wrote you a paean: Signifier and signified in Hey Stephen
Swift, a philosopher of language, explores the relationship between a name and what it signifies by fully exploring the meaning of 'Stephen'

Swift's Theology of Noise Music in Our Song
In Our Song, noted music theorist Taylor Swift grapples with the question “What is Music?”

Should've Said Know: Swift's Socratic Masterpiece
Swift, a Platonic philosopher, transforms a story of infidelity into a brilliant illustration of the Socratic idea that Virtue = Knowledge.
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Wordless Magic: Implication and Inference in Enchanted
Swift read a lot into eye contact and a quick conversation – in her mind, she decoded the message embedded in a light-hearted conversation.
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Don’t Say Yes: Silence as a Speech Act in Speak Now
Taylor Swift uses Speak Now to specifically consider the consequences of not speaking – situations where silence is an action.
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![That's When[ever]: Blurring Time after a Reconciliation](
That's When[ever]: Blurring Time after a Reconciliation
Swift and Urban's time apart is not represented using discrete moments in linear time, but as a series of oppositions blurred together.
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Missed Connections and Crossed Wires: Communication Breakdowns in Stay Beautiful
The Basics Like Tied Together with a Smile, Stay Beautiful is addressed to a young person who doesn’t know that they are beautiful. This...
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